L: Mom, I'm getting fat.I can't fit into my jeans!
M: Your waist is really getting bigger. You eat too much recently.
L: You cook much delicious food for me every day.I can't resist tempt.
M: I'm sorry, honey. But your dad doesn't put on weight.
L: That's because he is strong-minded.
M:So you plan Io build your mind from now on?
L: Don't pull my leg, mom I think I should take some diet pills.
M: It's harmful to your health.
L: I won't eat breakfast from tomorrow.
M: Skipping breakfast isn't a healthy way, either.
L: But I have to take off some fat.
M: Why not jogging with your dad every morning?
L: I can't get up so early! I should sleep at least 9 hours.
M: That's your excuse. Or you need to build your mind stronger.
C: Hi, Mary. Why didn't I see you in the body-keeping club yesterday?
M: After the jogging last weekend, I'm always having an ache in my whole body. So I am having a rest at home.
C: You surely would feel aching,because it was the first time you went to keep fit.
M: I know. but it really hurts.
C: You'd better stick it out. How about trying other exercises?
M: What?
C: Have you heard of Latin? Yoga, Pilates and Latin dancing are fashionable figure-shaping programs with many women followers. You will also sweat a lot when you are dancing Latin.
M: Is it useful?
C: Yes, indeed. Dance is a song of the body, I tell you. It's addicting! I feel like a new man.
M: Oh, I got it. It is the secret of your good shape.
C: e on, join me tonight!
M: All right. You persuaded me.
K: Have you seen the new movie of Catharine? She's pretty as a picture.
E: Yes, she is so lovely, just like a young lady.
K: Oh, look at me. Have you ever noticed my eye bags? They're dark, loose and full of lines. and my skin is no longer as was. How can she stay attractive like that?
E: You don't know, do you? She is an artificial beauty!
K: It's unbelievable! Don't you think it is over the top?
E: e on, be open-minded! The love for beauty is an essential part of all human beings. Co *** etic surgeries have bee so popular recently.
K: Really? You mean the surgery can really wipe out the aging signs on my face?
E: It's the best way to stay attractive. Well, I have a broad chin and I want to sharpen it. Why not try a face lift with me?
K: I can't wait for it!
Clerk:Can I help you?
Susan:I’d like the Double Cheese Burger Meal, please。
Clerk:What kind of drink would you like with that?
Susan:Just a Coke will be fine。
Clerk:Would you like to supersize your meal? For only 2 RMB more, you’ll get a large Coke and fries instead of the medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes。
Susan:That sounds good. Thanks. I’d like that. Actually I’d like a Sprite instead of a Coke. Thanks。
Clerk:That’s not a problem, Miss. Will that be it?
Susan:Yes, that’s all。
Clerk:That’ll be twenty-five RMB, please。
Susan:You got it。
Waitress:Welcome. How may I help you today?
Martin:I’m after a pizza, please。
Waitress:Then you’ll be happy to hear that today all our pizzas are on sale, 2-for-1.
Martin:You’re right. That is great!
Waitress:What size would you like?
Martin:A medium one would be perfect. Thank you。
Waitress:Which kind do you want?
Martin:I like seafood on my pizza。
Waitress:We have two seafood pizzas —tuna and crab。
Martin:Tuna sounds good today。
Waitress:Will that be for here or takeaway?
Martin:That will be to go。
Waitress:That should only be about 10 minutes, please sit over there and I will call you over as soon as it’s ready。
Martin:No problem。
Dining at a Western Restaurant
Waiter:Would you like to order now, ma’am?
May:Yes, please. I’d like the steak and mushrooms。
Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done?
May:I’d like it well-done, please。
Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that? Mashed, boiled or baked?
May:I think I’ll have baked potatoes. And I’ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。
Waiter:Good. And would you care for soup or salad to start with?
May:I’d like a cream and onion soup, please。
Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, ma’am?
May:I want to skip dessert. That’s all. Thank you。
Waiter:OK. I’ll be with you in a moment。
1、gordon: how is your english study? 戈登:你的英语学习怎么样了?
molly: it's a-ok.莫莉:还行。
gordon: any problem?戈登:有问题吗?
molly: i have trouble talking with my teacher.莫莉:我与老师交谈有麻烦。
gordon: why are you nervous?戈登:你为什么紧张?
molly: i never know how to act around my teacher. i need to review more.莫莉:我从来都不知道在老师身边该怎么做。我需要多复习。
gordon: no problem, i will help you review.戈登:没问题,我会帮你复习的。
molly: you would do that for me? you are a-ok.莫莉:你愿为我做这个?你真好。
2、gordon: what's going down?戈登:最近怎么样?
molly: nothing new. and you?莫莉:没有什么新鲜事。你呢?
gordon: i'm as right as rain. i am good.戈登:我还好。
molly: you look good.莫莉:你看起来气色不错。
gordon: you look right as rain too.戈登:你看上去也很好。
molly: thanks a lot.莫莉:多谢。
gordon: my pleasure, anytime.戈登:我的荣幸,不客气。
molly: now it is time to study about culture, phone calls and a new elvis song.莫莉:现在让我们学习一些有关文化、打电话、并学唱一首猫王的新歌。
3、gordon: how do you do?戈登:你好吗?
molly: fine, and you?莫莉:很好,你呢?
gordon: i reckon i am well.戈登:我还行。
molly: what can i do for you?莫莉:我能为你做些什么吗?
gordon: how do you know i want something?戈登:你怎么知道我想要点什么?
molly: i reckon when someone is being too nice, they want something.莫莉:我觉得当人们表现太好的时候,他们总是想要些什么东西。
gordon: you hit the nail on the head! i want you to help me learn simple english.戈登:你说到点子上了!我想让你帮我学习一些简单英语。
molly: i reckon that is a good idea.莫莉:这主意不错。

4、gordon: hey buddy, your english is improving by leaps and bounds.戈登:嘿,伙计,你的英语正在突飞猛进啊。
molly: your english is not so shabby either.莫莉:你的英语也不是那么肤浅。
gordon: thanks for the compliment.戈登:承蒙夸奖。
molly: one compliment deserves another.莫莉:咱们礼尚往来,互相夸奖。
gordon: you praise me, so i praise you, right?戈登:你夸奖了我,所以我也夸夸你,对吗?
molly: that is correct. and today i will help you review and you will return the favor and help me review. is that cool with you?莫莉:没错。今天我将帮你复习,作为回报,你也帮我复习吧。这样好吗?
gordon: of course, anything for you. when do we kick it off and begin?戈登:当然,随你。什么时候我们开始呢?
molly: asap.莫莉:越快越好。
5、Mom: Let's make a cake(让我们一起做个蛋糕吧)。
Tommy: Yeah How can I help you?(太好了、我该怎样帮你呢?)
Mom: Stir up eggs(你帮我把鸡蛋搅拌搅拌)。
Tommy: Okay I will(知道了、我立马就开始)。
T: hi, Betty.what's up?
B: nothing special. how about you? Are you used to the life here in the States?
T: evertything has been fine for the past several months.
B: great!
T: well, I wish someone could talk to me about Western table manners
B: sounds interesting. Where did you get the idea?
T: as you know, table manners in China are quite different from those of Westerners.
B: absolutely. that's because both of us have distinctive cultural features.
T: for example, in China, it's okay to talk while eating. However, you may regard it as rude.
B: yes. this must be a huge difference.
T: can you think of anything else?
B: sure. We tend to think that the slower on eats, the more polite one seems.
T: I didn't know that before.
B: and we never sip or slurp the soup loudly. we quietly like little mouthfuls.
T: i got it. i'll bear it in mind.
B: don't worry. i'm sure our etiquette will bee a natural part of your behavior as time goes by.
T: I hope so.
Chatting Online 网上聊天
dialogue 1
Mark: do you have internet in your room?
Peter: sure, I am a total internet junkie, I can't survive without internet.
M: really? What do you usually do online?
P: well, there are a lot of things, like reading news, email, shopping, etc. but mostly I chat online. You could say I'm addicted to online chatting.
M: I never chatted online before. What's it like.
P: well, basically it's similar to face-to-face chat, but you type instead of talk. You should try it at least once.
M: really? Who do you chat with?
P: to people all over the world! I have a lot of net pals. See, the magic of internet is that it connects people from all over the world. You can chat with someone thousands of miles away as if they were just next to you. But I also use it to chat with my brother in India and other friends abroad.
M: that's amazing. I will install an online messenger program when I get home.
P: well, my suggestion for a newbie like you is that don't get lost in the cyberspace. You know internet won't do the filtration for you, so you still need to use your judgement. There are a lot of people on the internet who might try to take advantage of you.
M: don't worry.
Emily: OMG! It must be so late where you are. What time is it?
Brad: just after 2 am.
E: what's wrong? Can't sleep?
B: nope, actually I was waiting for you. I have something big to tell you.
E: really? What is it?
B: I have an offer to work for a pany in your city today?
E: I can't believe it! Is it real? You're moving here?
B: I haven't accepted the position yet and with the uping holiday I think it's the perfect chance to visit the city and take a good look at the pany before deciding. If you have time I think we could get together in person.
E: just give me the dates and I'll make sure I'm free. You know after all these chatting online, it will be great to meet you in real life. I look forward to seeing you soon!
B: me too. But I think I am going to bed now. my head is getting heavy. Have a nice day there!
E: thanks. This is so exciting. Sleep tight and sweet dreams!
B: talk to you later.
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