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Bill Clinton, born in 1946, 42nd president of the United States (1993-2001), who was one of the most popular American presidents of the 20th century and the second president to be impeached (see Impeachment). Clinton was the first president born after World War II (1939-1945) and the third youngest person to become president, after Theodore Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. He was also the first Democrat in 12 years to hold the presidency and the first Democrat since Franklin D. Roosevelt to be elected to two terms.
A moderate Democrat and longtime governor of Arkansas, Clinton promised to change not only the direction the country had taken under the two previous Republican presidents but also the policies of his own Democratic Party. However, Clinton’s presidency was marked by unusually bitter strife with Republicans in Congress. In his second term, Clinton became the second president to be impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, after admitting to an improper relationship with a White House intern. The Senate, however, defeated the impeachment articles and did not remove him from office.
During Clinton’s presidency, the country enjoyed the longest period of economic growth in its history. A graceful speaker, Clinton had a remarkable ability to connect with people, which enabled him to bounce back from defeats, scandals, and even impeachment. He left office with the highest voter approval rating of all modern presidents.
II Early Life
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A Childhood
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Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. His given name was William Jefferson Blythe IV. He never knew his father, William Jefferson Blythe III, a traveling salesman who died in a car accident several months before Bill was born. After Bill became president, he and his mother learned that his father had been married at least three other times and that Bill had a half brother and half sister whom he had never met. Bill took the name William Jefferson Clinton after his mother remarried.
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As a small child, Bill lived with his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, and her parents in Hope, Arkansas. When Bill, or Billy, as he was known, was one year old, his mother went to New Orleans, Louisiana, to study to be a nurse-anesthetist, and for the next two years he was reared mainly by his maternal grandparents.
When Bill was four years old, his mother married Roger Clinton, later the owner of a car dealership in Hope. Two years later, the family moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas. Life at home for Bill and his mother was not always easy. Roger was an alcoholic and a gambler, often losing the family’s money, including Virginia’s earnings as a nurse-anesthetist. He cursed and sometimes beat his wife and verbally abused Bill and Bill’s younger brother, Roger, Jr., who was born in 1956. Bill was especially close to his mother and sometimes stood up to his stepfather to protect her. As a college student, Bill reconciled with his stepfather, who died of cancer in 1967.
B Schooling
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Clinton attended a Roman Catholic school for two years in Hot Springs before attending public schools. He was a popular student and maintained top grades. He held several student offices, played the tenor saxophone, and was a member of the all-state band. In 1963, after his junior year in high school, Clinton was elected as one of two delegates from Arkansas to Boys Nation, a government study program for young people sponsored by the American Legion, a veterans organization. There he debated in favor of civil rights legislation and met President John F. Kennedy at a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden.
C College
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Clinton graduated from high school in 1964 and enrolled at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., where he majored in international affairs. He was elected president of his class during his freshman and sophomore years. As a junior and senior he earned money for school expenses by working as an intern for the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which was chaired by Senator J. William Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat. Clinton greatly admired Fulbright, who was a leading critic of United States involvement in the Vietnam War (1959-1975). Clinton was also deeply moved by African Americans’ fight for equality in the 1960s. In April 1968, a few weeks before Clinton graduated, the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., set off rioting in several American cities, including Washington, D.C. Clinton volunteered to work with the Red Cross and took clothing and food to people whose homes had been burned in the riots.
During his senior year, Clinton won a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford in England, and he spent two years in Oxford’s graduate program after graduating from Georgetown. In 1970 Clinton enrolled at Yale University Law School, where he studied for a law degree. He paid his way with a scholarship and by working two or three jobs at the same time. At Yale he met fellow law student Hillary Diane Rodham, who was from the Chicago area (see Hillary Rodham Clinton). They began dating, and in 1972 Clinton and Rodham worked in Texas for the presidential campaign of Democrat George S. McGovern. Clinton worked as a campaign coordinator for McGovern in Texas and Arkansas, and Rodham helped organize a voter-registration drive for the Democratic National Committee.
名在姓的前面,如William Clinton,William是名,Clinton是姓。
英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+中间名+姓。如William Jefferson Clinton。但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,如前美国总统Geogre Walker Bush 略为George Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如Bill Clinton。上述教名和中间名又称个人名。
英国人在很长的一段时间里只有名而没有姓。直到16世纪姓氏的使用才广泛流行开来。英国人习惯上将教名和中间名全部缩写,如M. H. Thatcher;美国人则习惯于只缩写中间名,如Ronald W. Reagan。
在姓名之前有时还要有人际称谓,如职务军衔之类。Dr.,Prof.,Pres. 可以用于姓氏前或姓名前;而Sir 仅用于教名或姓名前。
在西方,还有人沿袭用父名或父辈名,在名后缀以小“Junior”或罗马数字以示区别。如 John Wilson, Junior, (小约翰·维廉);George Smith, Ⅲ, (乔治·史密斯第三。)
简介 威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿(William Jefferson Clinton,1946年8月19日—),但一般以比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)称之,美国第42任总统。他与他的副手艾伯特·戈尔一起在1992年击败当时竞选连任的老布什而当选总统,并在1996年以压倒性优势击败共和党参议员鲍伯·杜尔连任。到2001年离职时,克林顿是历史上得到最多公众肯定的总统之一。 美国第一位出生于第二次世界大战之后的总统、第二位遭受国会弹劾动议的总统,也是仅次于西奥多·罗斯福和约翰·肯尼迪之后的最年轻的美国总统,以及富兰克林·罗斯福之后连任成功的唯一一位民主党总统。 夫人:希拉里·克林顿是美国知名律师。他们有一女切尔西·维多利亚·克林顿。 Introduction in English At a Glance Term: 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001) Born: August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas Full Name: William Jefferson Clinton Education: Georgetown University (1968), attended Oxford University (1968-1970), Yale Law School (1973) Religion: Baptist Marriage: Hillary Rodham on October 11, 1975 Children: Chelsea Victoria (1980) Career: Lawyer, public official Political Party: Democrat Writings: Putting People First (1992); Between Hope and History (1996) A Life in Brief: William Jefferson Clinton, the young President from Hope, Arkansas, succeeded where no other Democrat had since FDR: he was reelected to a second term. Clinton also defied his critics by surviving an array of personal scandals, turning the greatest fiscal deficit in American history into a surplus, effectively using American force to stop the murderous "ethnic cleansing" wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, and presiding over the greatest level of economic prosperity since the early 1960s. [编辑本段]早年生活 克林顿出生于阿肯色州的霍普,然后在温泉城长大。克林顿的本名叫威廉杰斐逊布莱斯四世(William Jefferson Blythe IV),他的父亲威廉杰斐逊布莱斯三世是一名销售员,在克林顿出生前3个月就在一场交通意外中丧生。他的母亲维吉尼亚戴尔卡西迪(Virginia Dell Cassidy)在1950年又与罗杰克林顿(Roger Clinton)结婚。克林顿就是由母亲和这位继父抚养的,他在15岁那年正式将姓氏改为“克林顿”。克林顿在一个暴力家庭中长大,继父是个酒鬼和赌徒,经常虐待克林顿的母亲和他同母异父的兄弟小罗杰(1956年出生)。 克林顿在学校的成绩出色,而且是个很好的萨克斯演奏手,他曾一度想要成为一名专业的音乐家。在高中时他作为全国学生代表到白宫与当时的美国总统约翰肯尼迪见面。这次的白宫之旅让他下定决心要成为一名公务员。 出身贫寒的克林顿在乔治城大学外交学院拿到国际关系学位后,又获得了罗兹奖学金,得以到英国牛津大学深造,1973年又获得了耶鲁法学院的法学学位。在耶鲁他遇到了希拉里,两人在1975年结婚。他们育有一个女儿切尔西(1980年出生)。 [编辑本段]早年政治生涯 在阿肯色大学教了几年法律之后,1976年克林顿当选为阿肯色州总检察长,并在1978年首次当选该州州长,当时他也是美国最年轻的州长。他的第一个州长任期是在艰难中度过的,面对了重重难题,作出的各样改革的面对非常强大的反对阻力。包括了不受欢迎的机动汽车税和1980年一些待甄别的古巴难民成功越狱。在难民营的设置问题上,民主党的卡特总统拒绝克林顿的建议,坚持在阿肯色州设置难民营,引来选民反感,民主党在该州的声望大跌。 另外,克林顿的夫人希拉里罗德姆作为州长夫人却拒绝改用夫姓也在比较保守的阿肯色州引来许多争议。主持的教育改革被州民责骂,骂为最恶毒的女人。1980年克林顿在第一个任期满后就连任失利,被共和党人 弗兰克德沃德怀特(Frank Durward White)取代。怀特主张立即取消机动汽车税,取消克林顿的改革。 在下台后,克林顿反思了自己政治生涯上的失败。他与强大的商业利益集团建立起了新的关系,并修补了与州内政府部门的关系。希拉里也同意改用克林顿作为姓氏,在公开场合将自己重新塑造成一名更为传统的政治人物的妻子,而同时作为律师的她又在许可的范围内暗暗建立起自己的政治势力。同时,新州长怀特作出了共和党执政者常用的手法,在决定电力公司是否加价的委员会中加入电力公司的职员,通过一条规定课堂教授进化论的同时,也要给予相同时数的课堂教授创造论(传统的共和党人坚持人类是上帝创造出来的)的法例。而且取消克林顿设立的有益人民的设施,引来州民不满。 1982年克林顿宣布出山再次竞选州长,终于再度当选州长,并且连续执政10年,直到1992年竞选总统。 克林顿对商业集团的友善使共和党无可挑剔,但是在他执政期间的多起交易引发了后来的白水门调查,影响了其总统任期后段的声誉
威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿 (William Jefferson Clinton)1946年8月19日生于美国阿肯色州霍普镇。1962年, 他作为阿肯色州学生代表,到首都华盛顿出席全国青少年团体代表大会,1964年高中毕业后考入乔治敦大学,主修外交专业,曾担任大学学生会主席并协助联邦参议员威廉·富布赖特工作。1968年,克林顿大学毕业,获国际政治学学士学位,并考取罗兹奖学金赴英国牛津大学学习。1970年,他考入美国耶鲁大学法学院,1973年毕业,获法学博士学位,同年到阿肯色州州立大学担任教授。
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