
erica durance,麻烦帮我找3部英文电影




1. Smallville introduction: Entering its explosive tenth season, Smallville culminates in the epic rise of the world's ultimate hero -- Superman. Finally working alongside the intrepid Lois Lane at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent had accepted his destiny as the guardian of Metropolis when General Zod arrived, challenging Clark's authority and power. Just when the romance between Clark and Lois began to bloom, Clark was called into duty by the legendary Justice Society and his own burgeoning league of heroes to fight the gathering dark forces. As season nine drew to a close, Clark sacrificed himself to save the world from Zod. Season ten promises the classic reuniting of the timeless romance between Clark and Lois, and brings Clark face to face with his destiny as he overcomes his final trials and forges the iconic identity that will be known for all time. The series stars Tom Welling as Clark Kent, Erica Durance as Lois Lane, Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen and Cassidy Freeman as Tess Mercer. SMALLVILLE was developed for television by Alfred Gough & Miles Millar ("Shanghai Noon," "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor"), based on the DC Comics characters. Kelly Souders & Brian Peterson serve as executive producers, along with James Marshall, Mike Tollin, Brian Robbins, Joe Davola and Tom Welling. The series is produced by Tollin/Robbins Productions, Millar/Gough Ink and Warner Bros. Television. SUPERMAN was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Slot: 1、 This Naman guy is supposed to come from the stars......have the power of 10 men and shoot fire from his eyes,......if one person could do all that he would be a formidable enemy. He could conquer the world. He could become a tyrant if nobody kept him in check. So I've been thinking......anybody who'd be willing to fight him would have to be pretty brave. Clark......did it ever occur to you that maybe the hero of the story......is Sageeth? 这个叫Naman的家伙据说来自外星,拥有10个人的力量,双眼会射出火焰。若一个人真的可以拥有这些能力,他将是无人匹敌的。他可以征服世界,如果没人制约他的话,他将成为一个暴君。所以,我在想……挺身与他抗衡的一定是个非常勇敢无畏的人。Clark,你有没有想过,或许这个故事的英雄是……Sageeth? 2、 In life, the road to darkness is a journey, not a light switch. 在生活中,引领至黑暗的是通过漫长的行程,而不是如同电灯开关一蹴而就。 3、 Doctor: What's more important than your life? Lex: The truth. 还有什么比你自己的生命更重要? 真相。 4、Lex和Clark的初次“碰撞”: Clark: Come on, don't die on me! Lex: I could've sworn I hit you. Clark: If you did, I'd be...I'd be dead. 5、 Lionel: Honestly, Lex, I have no idea what you're talking about. Lex: Well, then perhaps I can refresh your memory. 老实说儿子,我根本不知道你在说什么。 那么或许我也该帮你电击一下。 6、 Lex: They said that dosage would kill an ordinary man, but apparently, I'm not ordinary. Lionel: No, you're not. You're my son. Lex: God help me. You shouldn't wound what you can't kill, dad. 据说药量足以使一个普通人毙命,但是很显然,我不是普通人。 是的,你当然不是,你是我儿子。 是上帝的帮助。爸爸,你不该伤害一个你杀不了的人。 7、 Lex: Clark? Do you believe a man can fly? Clark: Sure, in a plane. Lex: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about soaring with the air beneath you. Clark: People can't fly, Lex. Lex: I did. After the accident, when my heart stopped. It was the most exhilarating two minutes of my life. I flew over Smallville. And for the first time......I didn't see a dead end. I saw a new beginning. Thanks to you, I have a second chance. We are the future, Clark. Nothing will stand in the way of our friendship. Clark,你相信人会飞吗? 当然,坐飞机 我不是指这个。我指的是自由翱翔在高云之上 Lex,人无法飞。 我飞翔过。就在车祸之后当我的心脏停止跳动,那是我一生中最兴奋的2分钟。我飞过小镇,那是我有史以来第一次。我没有看到死亡的终点,我看到了新的开始。谢谢你,给了我重生的机会。我们就是未来,Clark,没有什么可以阻隔我们的友谊 8、 Dad, if you want to blame someone for Luthor Corp's woes, why don’t you lookin’ the mirror? 爸爸若你觉得有人该为Luthor企业的灾难而负责的话,你何不照照镜子?(面对关在“笼子”里“虎落平阳”的父亲,老头子最后警告儿子“I'm in a cage, Lex. I'm not dead. 我是被关在笼子里,但我并非死了。”) 9、Lionel:Well done, Lex. But wasn't it you who warned me, don't wound what you cannot kill? Lex:Oh, and, dad...I wouldn't have missed this for the world. 干得出色,Lex。但是,是不是你警告过我的,不该伤害一个你杀不了的人? 哦,爸爸,为了这个世界好,我还是不会错过这个(伤害一个杀不了的人的机会)的。 10、Look, sometimes you have to do the right thing, no matter what the cost. 听着,有时候必须去做对的事情,不论付出什么代价。(“教育”Clark)

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美国时间9月28日 smallville Season 8开播 据制片方说这将是真正的“结束季”,具体结局还不清楚,不过可以肯定的是结局会遵照原著漫画: Clark和Lois将走到一起,不过和90年代的超人连续剧不一样,不会成“翻拍版本”,还是会走前七季的路线. 这里有一部分介绍,你看一下

在即将播出的第八季中《超人前传》(smallville)将经历一次重大的变革。近日在圣地亚哥动漫展上,四位制作人凯莉-桑德斯(Kelly Souders)、布莱恩-彼得森(Brian Peterson)、托德-斯拉维京(Todd Slavkin)、戴伦-斯维默(Darren Swimmer)介绍了新的一季,仍然收到很多剧迷的欢迎。

虽然还是《超人前传》,但是很多角色都将发生变化。目前可以确定的是,男主角克拉克(Clark)将在第八季里正式转变为超人。除了开始双重身份的生活外,他还将与埃莉卡-杜兰斯(Erica Durance)扮演的露易丝-莱恩(Lois Lane)一起去星球日报工作。有些剧迷可能会担心《超人前传》变得跟90年代电视连续剧《超人》(Lois & Clark)雷同,但是制作人彼得森保证不会发生这样的情况。“那不是我们这部剧的风格,也不是观众熟悉的我们的角色的风格。”他介绍说,两人在一起工作会擦出火花,也有关系紧张的时候,因此会很有看头,但整体人物风格不会改变。


在展览中,制作人没有透露莱克斯-卢瑟(Lex Luthor)的扮演者迈克尔-罗森鲍姆(Michael Rosenbaum)是否会回到剧中,但是他们透露拉娜-朗(Lana Lang)的扮演者克斯汀-克鲁克(Kristin Kreuk)将回归。第八季的第五集,她将再次出现,不过很有可能不再是观众熟悉的那个拉娜了。斯拉维京介绍说:“她看起来不同了,不再是我们熟悉的拉娜。她长大了,离开了小镇,以一个女人的身份回来。很显然结婚使她变成一个女人,但是她其实还是个孩子。”

拉娜开始了新生活,而贾斯汀-哈特利(Justin Hartley)扮演的奥利弗-奎恩(Oliver Queen)将探求自己的过去,他将揭示绿箭的起源。将一起探究奥利弗是如何变成绿箭的,为什么是他成为绿箭,以及他是如何学会射箭的。哈特利还谈了他的角色面临的挑战。奥利弗将有点伤心,他开始审视自己为之牺牲的东西,想知道究竟值不值得。


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Erica Durance



《 Ecstasy 》 (2008) ...Heather Thompson

《蝴蝶效应2 The Butterfly Effect 2 》 (2006) ...Julie Miller

《 Stranded 》 (2006) ...Carina

《死亡鬼屋 House of the Dead 》 (2003) ...Johanna (as Erica Parker)

《 111 Gramercy Park 》 (2003) ...Maddy O'Donnel (as Erica Parker)

《天魔人道 Devil Winds 》 (2003) ...Kara Jensen (as Erica Parker)

《怪兽惊魂 The Untold 》 (2002) ...Tara Knowles

《 "Smallville" 》 (2001) ...Lois Lane (57 episodes, 2004-2007)

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蝴蝶效应2 (2006)

导演: 约翰·R·莱昂耐迪

编剧: Michael D. Weiss

主演: 埃里克·里夫利 / 埃莉卡·杜兰斯 / 达斯汀·米利甘 / 吉娜·赫尔顿 / 林赛·麦克斯维尔

类型: 剧情 / 科幻 / 惊悚

制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语

上映日期: 2006-10-10(美国)

片长: 92分钟

蝴蝶效应2的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

尼克(Eric Lively 饰)与好友们一起在郊外为女友茱莉(Erica Durance 饰)庆祝生日,但是在返回的路上发生了车祸,茱莉不幸重伤身亡,尼克悲痛万分。




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