Beckmann 是欧美的姓,而且姓 "Beckmann"的人还不少, 例如:
Christopher Beckmann (* 1986), US-amerikanischer Skirennläufer
Francisco Beckmann (1883–1963), niederländischer Ordensgeistlicher, Erzbischof von Panama
Elena Beckmann-Schtscherbina (1881/1882–1951), russische Pianistin
Gudrun Beckmann (* 1955), deutsche Schwimmerin
Herbert Beckmann (* 1960), deutscher Schriftsteller
DARNELL: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, composed of the Old English elements derne "hidden, secret" and halh "nook," hence "hidden/secret nook."
ICHTACA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "secret."
RAZ (רָז): Aramaic unisex name, meaning "secret."
AMMON (Ἄμμων): Greek form of Egyptian Yamanu, meaning "the hidden one." In mythology, Yamanu is the name of a god of wind and air. Compare with another form of Ammon.
AMOUN: Variant spelling of Greek Ammon, a form of Egyptian Yamanu, the myth name of a god of wind and air, meaning "the hidden one."
AMUN: Variant spelling of Greek Ammon, a form of Egyptian Yamanu, the myth name of a god of wind and air, meaning "the hidden one."
CASHILE: African Zulu name meaning "hidden; child of a concealed birth."
CHISISI: Egyptian name meaning "secret."
DOVEV (דּוֹבֵב): Hebrew name meaning "whisper."
GACHERU: African Kikuyu name meaning "spy."
HADES: Latin form of Greek Hadēs, meaning "unseen." In mythology, this is the name of the god of the underworld, brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone. In the New Testament bible, Hades is associated with Orcus, the realm of the dead, the infernal regions where disembodied spirits live, a dark and dismal place in the depths of the earth. Only later was Hades described as the grave, death, and hell.
HADĒS (ᾍιδης): Variant spelling of Greek Haides, meaning "unseen."
HAIDES (ᾍιδης): Greek name derived from the word aides, meaning "unseen." In mythology, this is the name of the god of the underworld, brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone. In the Greek bible, Haides is associated with Orcus, the realm of the dead, the infernal regions where disembodied spirits live, a dark and dismal place in the depths of the earth. Only later was Haides described as the grave, death, and hell. Also spelled Hadēs.
HALL: Middle English name meaning "to cover, conceal." Compare with another form of Hall.
HOWAHKAN: Native American Sioux name meaning "of the mysterious voice."
IMENAND: Rare form of Egyptian Yamanu, meaning "the hidden one."
ISOBA: African Soga name meaning "walks slowly, stealthily."
ISOOBA: Variant spelling of African Soga Isoba, meaning "walks slowly, stealthily."
KEME: Native American Algonquin name meaning "secret."
LOCHESH (לוֹחֵשׁ): Hebrew name meaning "whisper." In the bible, this is the name of a Babylonian exile returnee.
LOT (∧ώτ): Greek form of Hebrew Lowt, meaning "covering, veil." In the bible, this is the name of a nephew of Abraham and father of Moab.
LOWT (לוֹט): Hebrew name meaning "covering, veil." In the bible, this is the name of a nephew of Abraham and father of Moab.
NICOMEDES: Latin form of Greek Nikomedes, meaning "victory-scheme."
NICOMEDO: Italian form of Latin Nicomedes, meaning "victory-scheme."
NIKOMEDES (Νικομήδης): Greek name composed of the elements nike "conquest, victory" and medesthai "to ponder, to scheme," hence "victory-scheme."
OEDIPUS: Latin form of Greek Oidipous, probably meaning "he who knew the Sphinx's riddle of the feet." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother after solving the riddle of the Sphinx.
OIDIPOUS (Οἰδίπους): Greek name composed of the elements oid "knew" and pous "feet," probably with the intended meaning "he who knew the Sphinx's riddle of the feet." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother after solving the riddle of the Sphinx.
PHORCYS: Latin form of Greek Phorkys, meaning "of the sea." In mythology, this is an old man ruling over the sea; later he is described as a god of the hidden dangers of the deep, a brother of Nereus, and is depicted as a kind of merman.
PHORKYS (Φόρκυς): Greek name meaning "of the sea." In mythology, this is an old man ruling over the sea; later he is described as a god of the hidden dangers of the deep, a brother of Nereus, and is depicted as a kind of merman.
RÚN: Icelandic form of Old Norse Rúni, meaning "secret lore."
RUNE: Scandinavian form of Old Norse Rúni, meaning "secret lore."
RUNI: Danish form of Old Norse Rúni, meaning "secret lore."
RÚNI: Old Norse name derived form the word rún, meaning "secret lore."
TSEPHANYAH (צִפַנְיָה): Hebrew name meaning "hidden by God" or "protected by God." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the ninth of the minor prophets. Zephaniah is the English form.
TZEFANYA (צִפַנְיָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Tsephanyah, meaning "hidden by God" or "protected by God."
VELIUS: Roman family name, meaning "concealed."
YAMANU: Egyptian myth name of a god of wind and air, meaning "the hidden one."
ZEFANIA: Variant spelling of English Zephaniah, meaning "hidden by God" or "protected by God."
ZEPH: Short form of English Zephaniah, meaning "God has hidden."
ZEPHANIA: Variant spelling of English Zephaniah, meaning "hidden by God" or "protected by God."
ZEPHANIAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Tsephanyah, meaning "hidden by God" or "protected by God." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the ninth of the minor prophets.
ABUTO: African Luo name meaning "I have hidden."
ATARO: African Luo name meaning "puzzle; upside-down."
CALYPSO: Latin form of Greek Kalypso, meaning "she who conceals." In mythology, this is the name of a sea nymph and daughter of Atlas.
DAGRÚN: Old Norse name composed of the elements dagr "day" and rún "secret lore," hence "day-rune."
DAGRUN: Norwegian form of Old Norse Dagrún, meaning "day-rune."
GIZEM: Turkish name meaning "mystery."
GUÐRUN: Old Norse name composed of the elements guð "God" and run "rune, secret lore," hence "divine rune." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Sigurðr.
GUDRUN: German and Scandinavian form of Old Norse Guðrun, meaning "divine rune."
HEIÐRÚN: Old Norse name composed of the elements heiðr "clear, cloudless; honor" and rún "rune, secret lore," hence "true-rune." In mythology, this is the name of a goat who produced mead for the Einherjar, the spirits of warriors who died in battle.
HEIDRUN: Norwegian form of Old Norse Heiðrún, meaning "true rune."
HULÐ: Old Norse name derived from the word hulda, meaning "hidden, obscure, secret."
HULD: Icelandic form of Old Norse Hulð, meaning "hidden, obscure, secret."
HULDA: Scandinavian form of Old Norse Hulð, meaning "hidden, obscure, secret." Compare with another form of Hulda.
HULTA: Finnish form of Scandinavian Hulda, meaning "hidden, obscure, secret."
KALYPSO (Καλυψώ): Greek name derived from the word kalypto ("to cover, to conceal"), hence "she who conceals." In mythology, this is the name of a sea nymph and daughter of Atlas.
KIMI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "secret." Compare with another form of Kimi.
KRIEMHILD: German myth name of the sister of Günther and wife of Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied, composed of the Germanic elements grim "mask" and hild "battle," hence "battle mask."
KRIEMHILDE: Variant spelling of German Kriemhild, meaning "battle mask."
KRIMHILDE: Variant spelling of German Kriemhild, meaning "battle mask."
LETA: Variant form of Latin Leto, meaning "the hidden one." Compare with another form of Leta.
LÊTÔ (∧ητώ): Greek name meaning "the hidden one." In mythology, this is the name of the mother of Apollo and Artemis.
LETO: Latin form of Greek Lêtô, meaning "the hidden one." In mythology, this is the name of the mother of Apollo and Artemis.
LOTUS: English name derived from the flower name, from Latin lotus, from Greek lotos, a name for various kinds of plants before it came to designate the Egyptian "white lotus." The Greek word may ultimately come from Hebrew lowt, meaning "covering, veil."
NAJWA: Arabic name meaning "secret, whisper."
ORTRUN: German name composed of the elements ort "point" and rún "rune, secret," hence "point-rune."
RUNA: Feminine form of Scandinavian Rune, meaning "secret lore."
SIGRÚN: Old Norse name composed of the Germanic elements sigr "victory" and rún "secret," hence "victory-secret." In mythology, this is the name of a Valkyrie.
SIGRUN: Scandinavian form of Old Norse Sigrún, meaning "victory-secret."
VELIA: Italian name derived from the Roman family name Velius, meaning "concealed."
英音 [ˌɑ:ftə'nu:n] ;美音 [ˌɑ:ftə'nu:n] ;名词
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell
the part of the day between noon and evening
One Saturday afternoon, I hauled the machine into the garden and had a close look at it.
Daylight began to forsake the red-room; it was past four o'clock, and the beclouded afternoon was tending to drear twilight
One afternoon, cocoa started acting strangely
"There are flights available in the morning, But we presume you would prefer an afternoon flight. "
By the way, the sedan bearers say we can get to the school by this afternoon."
Windy in the morning, and cloudy in the afternoon.
Last Saturday afternoon, Wei Hua and her classmates were visiting the Museum of Natural History. They were very interested in dinosaurs.
"In Germany, shops shut on Saturday afternoon. "
Gudrun and Winifred were to come to tea with Birkin, who expected ursula also. In the afternoon, however, the first person to turn up was Hermione
and Bevo, the school mascot, a longhorn bull which is brought out to preside over the afternoon to the delight of the UT fans
瓦尔基里 名字
她们的形象是∶戴著金盔或银盔,穿血红色的紧身战袍,头上戴著以羽毛装饰或鸟翼型的头盔,拿著发光的矛和盾,骑小巧精悍的白马。一般相信她们是雾或云的人格化。而她们骑的白马,人们想像马的鬃毛间能够落下霜和露,因此这些马也受到人们尊敬。在北欧人看来,瓦尔基丽们和她们的马都是有惠于人类的。而北极光(Northern Light, Aurora Borealis)有时亦被认为是瓦尔基丽们驱马在夜空中奔驰时,铠甲闪耀的光芒。
她们具有化身为天鹅的魔力,有人说是费尔加( Fylgja )是其原型。
亚尔薇特(Alvit)、布伦希尔德(Brynhild)、洁萝露尔(Geironul)、洁尔诗科古尔(Geirskogul)、格蕾(Goll)、格恩达尔(Gondul)、古娜(Gunn)、古丝(Guth)、海芙约特(Herfjotur)、赫尔薇尔(Hervor)、希露德(Hildr)、 荷拉德古娜(Hladgunnr)、荷拉斯古丝(Hlathguth)、赫萝克(Hlokk)、荷瑞丝特(Hrist)、密丝特(Mist)、奥尔露恩(Olrun)、萝塔(Rota)、兰蒂格瑞丝(Randgrith)、拉丝格瑞丝(Rathgrith)、瑞吉蕾芙(Reginleif)、希格德莉法(Sigrdrifa。也被认为就是布伦希尔德)、希格露恩(Sigrun)、诗嘉古尔(Skagull,奥丁的斟酒侍女)、斯克嘉莉德(Skeggjald)、诗蔻蒂(Skuld,诺伦三女神之一)、斯薇法(Svafa)、斯露德(Thrud,托尔的女儿)。
奕泽和chr比较,奕泽和chr的区别 是什么
综合百科奕泽和chr的区别 是什么1、区别一:售价,CHR的参考价为13.38-17.98万元,奕泽的参考价为13.88-16.78万元。在入门价位上CHR更低,但是顶配价位CHR会比奕泽高。2、区别二:配置,CHR的顶配车型配置要比奕泽顶配车型配置更加丰富,但是在中低配车型方面CHR要